Michele Pratusevich


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March 18, 2017

Blogging with Jupyter for Learning Julia

For the Learning Julia blog, I use Jupyter notebooks as my primary blogging tool. The website is generated with Jekyll and hosted with Github pages. with a single command-line jupyter command and some custom configuration, I generate an HTML file I can embed into a Jekyll post.

My workflow

The workflow of a new post on Learning Julia is as follows:

  1. In a Jupyter notebook, write some Julia code
  2. When I get to the point where I learned something, go back through the notebook and add markdown annotations and text
  3. Convert the notebook into an HTML file
  4. Create a new post, write the introduction, embed the HTML notebook output, and write any final thoughts or concepts
  5. Publish!

I’ll walk you through all my steps I use and show you any custom code.

Steps 1 and 2: Jupyter Notebooks

Launch a Jupyter notebook with the Julia kernel using jupyter notebook. Code away!

Step 3: Convert to HTML

I use nbconvert to convert a Jupyter notebook into an HTML file. I extended the basic HTML output template to do the following:

  • Any images in the Jupyter notebook output are saved as separate images rather than base64
  • The image paths need to point to a URL for the Jekyll site.
  • Multiple outputs are collapsed into a single output cell. For example, in a line with multiple print statements.

nbconvert comes with a set of built-in preprocessors that already do some of these tasks. For example, the ExtractOutputPreprocessor saves the images locally, and the coalesce_streams processor squeezes multiple outputs into a single output cell.

The easiest way to set the configuration for nbconvert is through a Python script. You can see the one I use here:

I set the ExecutePreprocessor as well - since I am setting the preprocessors manually I still want to make sure the entire notebook is re-executed, to preserve the input / output indices.

Notice how the HTML output is written into the _includes/notebooks folder in the Jekyll project. The images are then saved into the assets/imgs/{notebook_name} folder. The ExtractOutputPreprocessor by default saves images as relative paths, but we want to change them to url paths. I do this by the jekyllurl() function in the template. This outputs a Liquid filter that is accessible in the nbconvert template I used. It is an extension of the basic.tpl template, but slightly modified.

You can see the filter outputs for example in line 133.

The second filter, svg_filter, removes the DOCTYPE lines in in-line SVGs to avoid rendering errors that look like this:

SVG template error

You can see it in action on line 113 in my nbconvert template.

To run nbconvert with this configuration, do:

	jupyter nbconvert --config nbconvert_config.py PATH_TO_NOTEBOOK.ipynb

I am currently using nbconvert version 5.1.1.

Step 4: Create a new post

After the conversion is done, it is saved into the _includes/notebooks/ folder. I create a new post (with the standard Jekyll header, etc.) and include the notebook named 04-imfilter.html with:

{% include notebook/04-imfilter.html %}

If I know Mathjax is needed in the .html, I make sure to add

{% include mathjax.html %}

to the header. You can see mathjax.html here - it is just a few script tags that include MathJax from its CDN.

I do any extra post writing here, with some final thoughts.

Step 5: Publish

When all is said and done, I push the .html files, image files, and .markdown post, and a new post is born!


To figure out the configurations used in nbconvert, I used the following references:

If you want to check out my entire Jekyll configuration, feel free to poke around the Learning Julia repository on Github.

Hope this helps!

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